I would like to exhale now. And as I do, a slow facitious "Thanks alot" will be directed at the creators of the show LOST, Lieber, Abrams & Lindelof, for taking me far away on that lovely train ride for six years only to reveal a final year in pergatorial limbo. As one of Kristen Wiig's best characters would say, "I'm not angry. I'm just very upset."
The midnight crown yelled. Yelled, at the closing frame. It sounded like, "Whaaaaaa???AAhhhh!" Then, it was 4:30 am before I fell asleep, granted we left at almost 3. But, what is time? Dream time feels more like real life. Layers. Didn't the priest from Princess Bride coin the phrase, "...a dream within a dream." Believable, striking, lovely. The well-selected team of actors gave depth to decidedly pragmatic characters, endearing them through pure curiousity. Joseph G.L. was given perhaps the most memorable sequence in anti-gravity fighting circa Fred Astaire's spinning room dance sequence.
Thanks to this phych-thriller, I am plagued with questions and needing to see it again. I woke up the next morning pondering new theories and casting possibilities after a stream of violent, but very cool dreams.