Sunday, December 28, 2008

YES MAN...Carrey...2008

After being snowed in for a week, we decided to get out and see a flick. Unfortunately, we chose this one.
The director obviously had been missing every one of Jim Carrey's old characters from In Living Color, so he chose to honor them all in this film. And the writer decided to include every almost funny idea he ever had from the boss throwing theme parties, to singing someone off a ledge. Throw classic Carrey into situations like: sex-driven old lady next door, hospital gown + motorcycle, bar fight, and a cultish YES seminar, and you have a film that tries too hard to be funny. Perhaps if you checked your brain at the popcorn stand (which, granted, many go to the movies to do), but then you threw morality into the Despereaux auditorium, and then asked for a title-for-plot film with pretty colors and vaudevillian humor, then you'd enjoy this one. How about Home Alone minus Kevin = just bad guys falling down.
I did laugh. Sure. Zooey Deschanel in a genreless band wearing parrot/pirate/patriot costumes crooning about her last love who can't call after 11, but can still call at 10:59. That's enjoyable. She adds a lovely, worry-less feel to any role she's in. I don't think she sweats. Ever. But chemistry with Carrey dissipated and she looked about 20 to his 50. The wanna-be-Ricky Gervais played the insecure, Harry Potter-loving, people-pleasing boss to a British tea. Loved his "Norm. That's great. That could be my nick-name. I could call you Car. That could be yours instead of Carl." Quick. Funny. Decent.
One last note on Will Tippen. Bradley Cooper plays Jim's best friend. Brad is the quintessential best bud with the right amount of hold your best friend accountable when he's being an idiot and be there for him when he's in need. Ah, Will. I know it takes movies with A-list stars like this to build your repertoire and get you bigger roles, but this? Why, blue eyes? Why.

I give it three "Get me out of this body's"

Audience & Attitude have, I believe, been aptly covered.

Thanks for reading!

Friday, December 26, 2008


When one is snowed in, it is appropriate for all in the pleasant predicament of home stay to say, "Let's watch Lord of the Rings!" Now, one must prepare to watch LOTR. It is, afterall, a considerable commitment. This time around, we worked in shifts, watching one disk per day over a week's time of the extended edition. Something new strikes me every time. This time I watched Aragorn win the day with new depth. He captures something lovely and admirable in his portrayal of the literary hero. He breathes kingship. He is the reluctant leader who deserves the throne. I saw many new connects to typology of Christ. Self-sacrifice, fight, kindness and fairness for his people, endurance, grace, lasting hope, leadership, and poignant deep love. As ranger, warrior, and finally King, Aragorn lives and I return to watch him win...for Frodo. : )


The hips that made Alba famous...and abs. She's the well-dressed, midriff-showing "hood rat" with a bleeding heart for the street kids who she knows will turn out to be "bad" if they don't turn to hip hop. Hip hop is hero in this "making of" film. She's a Jenny from the Block who frequents a club, gets spotted by a music video director, and immediately starts choreographing major music videos for famous artists. Professional (but mildly pornographic) dance routines - shout out to the obvious actual choreographer who just happens to be in every scene. Pretty sure he's the only one who can kick behind his head while stretching out and spread-eagle toe touch in the kids dance benefit finale at the end. Alba plays the angel to Bronx-talking, demon, pimp, music video director "Michael" who is none other than "David" from Newsies. He also may or may not have aged at all in the 20 years since he played a young Tom Hanks in Big. He tries to pull off a swear word here and there, but can't quite make it believable. Sure, he looks like a slimeball, but under it all we know he's still about to burst into the song "Seize the Day." You can take the boy out of the Newsies...

Disconnect: Alba's mother runs the "center" for kids in the bad part of town so they'll have a place to be and won't start selling drugs. She always looks down on her daughter for spending her time helping kids instead of making something of herself as a ballerina. Hmm. Unfortunately, the center becomes a hub for drug dealers to teach young kids their insidious ways. Later the center gets shut down because of disrepair. Alba's dream is to finally open a dance studio for kids in the bad part of town so they'll have a place to dance instead of selling drugs. Take that, Mom!

Three Part Rating System:
Audience...older Siblings
Ambiance..."kick, stretch, and kick!"...and laugh. Laugh a lot. Then try the moves over Christmas desserts to make your grandparents laugh so hard.
Attitude...Curious - flipping channels & you are just so curious, so you sit through most of it, only flipping intermittently to Monk re-runs because you just have to figure out how the guy from ER got his start in this movie.