Really, don't bother. You may be thinking that that Zac Efron, (proper spelling in place, thank you Melynda), you know, the kid from High School Musical, is the next big one so you better see everything that gets him there. Sure, he's an amiable two-tap Charlie and a class act with youthful zeal. But it can't sell me on a plotless sleeper. Ouch. Yes. Of course, if you have done stage productions and you miss the rush of a curtain call, or if you teach the book Julius Caesar you will want to show the final play production to your class. The Welles character has incredible stage presence, a brooding voice, and moments of vulnerablility - a cad - and a true thespian. Clare Danes (yeah, that girl from Romeo & Juliet - who has got to be in her 40's and is now prancing around with Efron in this film) plays a nominal, poorly written character.
Dear Zac, my advice to you is that you better be careful and not take every "17 year old character who can sing/dance" that comes around. Maybe Disney has you contracted. You did flip someone off in this film, and drink wine, and call Clare Danes your "lover." Ooooh, dangerous. But it doesn't make you a man. Just as paying for my ticket didn't make this a great movie. Sorry Orson.