Tuesday, January 5, 2010

SHERLOCK...R.D.J. & Jude...Guy Ritchie...2009

I was accused recently of taking movies a bit too seriously.  I assume this meant always watching critically for details rather than just allowing myself to be entertained.  It's true that the number one prerogative of films seems to be entertainment.  So, with this advice in my left back pocket, I ventured into the weekend blockbuster.  To my surprise and delight, this film was exactly what I had hoped it would be - an action-adventure with witty, likable characters.  The Sherlock tales of old came to life with an entirely new face, enabling me to sit more comfortably in my familiarity. I've always seen a staunch, heady, emotionless Holmes in my mind, (an admitted deterrent despite my love for his irrepressible sleuthing and attention to detail).  Oddly, a freshness surged forth from beneath a thick layer of grimy filth.  Robert Downey Jr.'s dirty face, dusty jacket, and disheveled hair actually gave Holmes this precious, tangible, and realistic air. I loved him.  I don't know when it happened, but at some point (I suppose it was post Clinton administration), the world began to trust R.D.Jr as an actor again. Jude Law, too, was magnificent. Can he even make a monocle sexy?  I'm still deciding if ANY girl could have played McAdams' role.  Probably.  She did bring the pretty face.  My one fear walking in was that the film would be too dark and venture too boldly into the grotesque of the spirit world or into the sensual imaginings of Madonna's former spouse. In the end, however, in true Scooby Doo fashion, all masks were stripped away revealing science, not spirits.  Holmes at the helm brought all to right and back into the light once again.  "Delightful. Well done," she remembered saying with a grin.  Well, that's entertainment for you. 

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