Wednesday, December 16, 2009

THE FANTASTIC MR. FOX...ahhh....good old Wes Anderson

Miles of unrest have lead me to this moment in time when I should be asleep, but I've let my mind wander to the place of recent joy...
Who knew that a simple night at the theater would prove a visionary stroll into a realism personified to the degree of Watership Down and Animal Farm.  I love the characters in this film, as I love the characters in all Wes Anderson films.  They are intricate, broken - fractured by insecurities and confused relationships.  Father/son play the common dueling roles, as usual, and lines are delivered as dryly as possible.  Long camera shots show thoughtful parallels as characters grow and change through struggle and heroism.  Forgiveness is the bravest trait of all, it turns out.  
The voices of Clooney, Streep, Wilson, Schwartzman, Dafoe, and of course Mr. Murray provide anchors of zest and quirk to each character as personality sparks from puppets originally frozen in frames.  Sin, life callings, marriage, parenthood - Fox and friends grace these themes, find resolve, and dance!  Mr. Fox and his trademark whistle truly are fantastic!

1 comment:

  1. the dancing was one of my favorite parts. i long to escape into foxworld again!
